Intrastat is a statistical system which monitors the movement of goods between the European Union member states. Information about goods in transit is not required.

The Customs Administration is in charge of collecting data. Czech Statistical Office further processes the data.

Intrastat basic information

  • Intrastat registration threshold is 12.000.000,- CZK
  • Monthly submission
  • Electronical submission
  • Deadlines vary for each month. They are specified on the website of the Czech Customs Administration.

We check and update each month the state of traded goods and, if necessary, we submit the application for Intrastat submissions.

There are certain specifics concerning the reporting of trinagular business transactions. Middle party does not report any statistical data. Seller and purchaser, first and thirt party in the chain, must report the data.

Report contains this information
  • The code of the goods used specifically for Intrastat
  • The country of origin
  • The country of shipment
  • The invoiced amount
  • The weight of the goods
  • The quantity
  • The type of transaction
  • The terms of delivery
  • The transport information

We can advise what specification code should be used and we can check all the relevant data in the invoices or Excel overview. We process the whole Intrastat report and submit it to the Czech Customs Administration.

Give us a Power of attorney and we will be reporting Intrastat for you.